
Война и мир (War and Peace)

Война и мир (War and Peace)

Sergei Prokofiev
Contemporary Opera
Opera in thirteen scenes, in two parts, in Russian with Hungarian and English subtitles

Information on standing places for sold-out performances

If all seats are sold out for the selceted time, 64 standing seats at reasonable prices for the 3rd floor balcony become available 2 hours before the start of the performance. Tickets can be purchased at the Opera House ticket office and online. Please note there is limited view from the side seats and the standing places, but the performance can be followed on screens.

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Last event date: Friday, June 07 2024 6:00PM

This performance is not recommended for chrildren under the age of 18.

Prokofiev was inspired to compose a musical drama based on Leo Tolstoy’s colossal historical novel War and Peace by the invasion of Russia by Nazi Germany. The Peace in the first half of the opera is a series of Prokofiev’s most beautiful and intimate tableaus, and it forms a strong contrast with the tsarist (or Soviet) scenes of the second, War part. Prokofiev paints a masterful picture of the fight of the masses and the individual characters in it. He interweaves the plot into a gigantic tale of love and death. The opera featuring 72 characters is adapted and produced by Catalan director Calixto Bieito.

Co-production of the Hungarian State Opera and the Grand Théâtre de Genève.
Performing rights licensed by Musikverlag Hans Sikorski GmbH, Berlin.

General cast
Andrei Bolkonski........................................................................................... Csaba Szegedi
Natascha Rostova........................................................................................ Andrea Brassói-Jőrös
Pierre Bezukhov........................................................................................... Szabolcs Brickner
General Kutuzov........................................................................................... Péter Fried
Napoleon Bonaparte.................................................................................... Zsolt Haja
Count Ilya Rostov; Natasha's father............................................................ István Kovács
Helene Bezukhova; Pierre’s wife, Anatole’s sister....................................... Erika Gál
Sonia Rostova.............................................................................................. Melinda Heiter
Maria Dimitrievna Ajhrossimova / Mavra Kouzminicha................................ Andrea Szántó
Dolokhov / Jacquot...................................................................................... Antal Cseh
Lieutenant Colonel Denisov......................................................................... András Kiss
Platon Karataiev.......................................................................................... Péter Balczó
Anatole Kuragin........................................................................................... Zoltán Nyári
Princess Maria Bolkonskaia......................................................................... Anna Csenge Fürjes
Matryosha, a gypsy / Marshal Murat’s adjutant............................................ Lusine Sahakyan
Gavrila, Akhrosimova’s footman / Commander Berthier / General Davout... Boldizsár Zajkás
The Bolkonskys’ old footman / Tikhon Scherbaty / Matveev......................... Máté Fülep
Fyodor, volunteering peasant / Prince Evgeny’s adjutant / Gérard............... Benjámin Beeri
Prince Andrei’s messenger / Ivanov, a Muscovite / Host of the ball.............. Barna Bartos
Footman at the ball / Kutuzov’s adjutant / A voice......................................... Gergely Biri
The Bolkonskys’ valet / Napoleon’s adjutant / French officer......................... Attila Dobák
French abbot / Monsieur de Beausset, Napoleon’s cook...............................Gergely Ujvári
Princess Marya’s lady’s maid........................................................................ Zsuzsanna Kapi
Métivier, French doctor................................................................................... Bence Pataki
General Compans’s adjutant.......................................................................... Róbert Zoltán Lakai
Zapevala / A voice.......................................................................................... Miroslav Mladenov Mehandzhiev

Conductor..................................................................................................... Alan Buribayev

Composer: Sergei Prokofiev
Libretto based on the novel of Leo Tolstoy by: Sergei Prokofiev / Mira Mendelson
Director: Calixto Bieito
Set designer: Rebecca Ringst
Costume designer: Ingo Krügler
Lighting designer: Michael Bauer
Video: Sarah Derendinger
Dramaturg: Beate Breidenbach
Hungarian subtitles based on Katalin Alter’s rough translation by: Minka Benkő
English subtitles: Richard Neel
Chorus director: Gábor Csiki

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