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Last event date: Sunday, December 17 2023 11:00AM

There is about to be a major moment in Hungarian music history: in the new season, the OPERA will present the first opera written in Hungarian by Péter Eötvös, celebrating the 80th birthday of the internationally renowned composer in January 2024. The work is a musical theatre adaptation of László Krasznahorkai's novel The Melancholy of Resistance. The story may already be familiar from the film Werckmeister Harmonies, but, of course, the composer approaches the topic from a different angle compared to the director of the film, Béla Tarr. “Valuska, a young man with a pure heart, becomes a victim of a manipulative society in the shadow of a stuffed whale”, says Péter Eötvös about his thirteenth opera, which was commissioned by the OPERA and whose predecessors have been performed all over the world. Many of them have already been seen by Hungarian audiences. His works Three Sisters and Love and Other Demons have previously been staged at the Opera House. Valuska is directed by Bence Varga.

Libretto based on László Krasznahorkai’s novel The Melancholy of Resistance by: Kinga Keszthelyi | Mari Mezei
Director: Bence Varga
Set designer: Botond Devich
Costume designer: Kató Huszár
Lighting designer: Sándor Baumgartner
Chorus director: Gábor Csiki

Our offer

Amilcare Ponchielli LA GIOCONDA Opera in four acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart / Gian Carlo Menotti BASTIEN UND BASTIENNE / THE TELEPHONE One-act operas in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English subtitles

Johann Strauss Jr. DIE FLEDERMAUS (THE BAT) Operetta in three acts in Hungarian, with English and Hungarian subtitles


Giuseppe Verdi LA TRAVIATA Opera in two parts, three acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English and Italian subtitles

Ludwig van Beethoven – Gustav Mahler NEW YEAR'S AT THE OPERA HOUSE

László Seregi / Károly Goldmark / Frigyes Hidas THE TAMING OF THE SHREW Ballet in two acts

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