


Attila Pacsay

Nincs aktuális előadás

Ön egy múltbeli eseményre keresett rá. Kérjük, válogasson aktuális kínálatunkból a keresőjében!

Last event date: Saturday, December 30 2023 7:00PM

A fire is lit in a big copper bowl, with loungers palced around it. Many know about the Three Wise Men who went to Bethlehem to find the Saviour. Not so much about a fourth one who would have been led by the Star there too, but he sadly missed the meeting with the others. Artaban, The Wisest One, is trying to catch up with the events for 33 years, and deliver his present to Jesus. How come he was always a step behind his whole life? And was he really? This unique show surely asks questions, but might also help find some answers, switching off one of the senses of the participants and heightening the others to experience what is left of the world when we are searching for the light but cannot find it.


(Note that you will be blindfolded for the duration of the séance. If you have any problems, raise your hand and our colleagues will be there to assist you right away.)

Our offer

László Seregi / Károly Goldmark / Frigyes Hidas THE TAMING OF THE SHREW Ballet in two acts

Gyula Harangozó / Léo Delibes COPPELIA Comic dance in three acts

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart PARÁZSFUVOLÁCSKA – The Magic Flute for Children Fairy-tale Singspiel in two parts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English surtitles


Giacomo Puccini TURANDOT Opera in three acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

Ferenc Erkel BÁNK BÁN (THE VICEROY BÁNK) Opera three acts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English subtitles The text and…

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