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Last event date: Sunday, June 02 2024 7:30PM

One of the highlights of the Slavic Season is the concert in May, which brings together Slavic Romanticism with OPERA's usual and expected grandiosity, through a revival of the major works and several of the artists whose full-scale sculptures stand in the Ybl Palace's facade. Despite this, Smetana's famous opera was last performed by the Hungarian State Opera in 1976, and now a remarkable overture breaks the silence in the auditorium. The Ferenc Erkel of the Polish composers, Moniuszko's main work is Halka, which was performed at the Opera House 66 years ago. Zajc, the Croatian national composer, and his opera Zrínyi was performed here seven years ago as part of a guest performance. Erkel's György Brankovics is also connected to the Croatian history and culture, and even includes a Croatian dance sequence. The programme also includes Suchoň, one of the most important Slovak composers. And Dvořák is the national composer of the Czechs (and Slovaks), whose very popular symphony, written in America, gives a new perspective on today's geopolitical situation, but is also a fascinating piece of music.

Smetana: The Bartered Bride – overture
Moniuszko: Halka – excerpts
Erkel: György Brankovics – kolo and aria
Zajc: Zrínyi – “Eve i Zrinjskog” duet
Suchoň: Mountain Suite


Dvořák: Symphony No. 9 in E minor “From the New World”, Op. 95

Featuring Kinga Kriszta (soprano) Zoltán Kelemen (baritone) , as well as the Hungarian State Opera Orchestra and Chorus
Conductor: Andriy Yurkevych

Our offer

Giuseppe Verdi OTELLO Opera in two parts, four acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

Giacomo Puccini MADAMA BUTTERFLY – CONCERT PERFORMANCE Opera in three acts, in Italian with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

Levente Szörényi – János Bródy STEPHEN, THE KING (JUNIOR) The greatest hits of the rock-opera in its original arrangement, with a child cast


Johann Strauss Jr. DER ZIGEUNERBARON (THE GYPSY BARON) Grand operetta in three acts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English surtitles

Giuseppe Verdi FALSTAFF Comic opera in three acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

Wayne Eagling – Tamás Solymosi / Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky THE NUTCRACKER Fairy-tale ballet in two acts

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