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The subject of this work sparked Verdi's fiercest battle with the censor of Naples and, later on, of Rome. The original libretto treated an actual historical event: the 1792 regicide of a Swedish king. However, this proved too delicate a matter given the political situation of the day, and so in order to curry favour with the censor, the king was converted into an earl and the plot transplanted from Europe to the English North American colonies. After a few more minor alterations, the Roman censor allowed the staging of the work, which when the layer of political assassination is peeled away the plot, reveals a love story. Apart from the political discontent, the real stakes are over a marriage in need of saving. Lurking in the story's background are visceral emotions of unrequited love and blind jealousy that move the plot along.
Un ballo in maschera is presented as part of the Opera's repertoire – in accordance with the composer's original intention – as the story of the Swedish king Gustavo III in a production created by the young Italian director and competition-winner Fabio Ceresa.
Composer: Giuseppe Verdi
Libretto after the work by Eugène Scribe: Antonio Somma
Director: Fabio Ceresa
Set designer: Tiziano Santi
Costume designer: Giuseppe Palella
Movement director: Mattia Agatiello
Lighting designer: Ferenc Stadler
Dramaturg, Hungarian subtitles: Eszter Orbán
English subtitles: Arthur Roger Crane
Chorus director: Gábor Csiki


Radina Dace / Pjotr Iljics Csajkovszkij LITTLE SLEEPING BEAUTY Children’s production

Giacomo Puccini LA BOHÈME Opera in four acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English, and Italian subtitles

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart PARÁZSFUVOLÁCSKA – The Magic Flute for Children Fairy-tale Singspiel in two parts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and…

Giuseppe Verdi LA TRAVIATA Opera in two parts, three acts, in Italian, with Hungarian, English and Italian subtitles

Ferenc Erkel BÁNK BÁN (THE VICEROY BÁNK) Opera three acts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English subtitles The text and…

Johann Strauss Jr. DER ZIGEUNERBARON (THE GYPSY BARON) Grand operetta in three acts, in Hungarian, with Hungarian and English surtitles

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